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Pharmaceutical Conferences and congresses

In order to organise conferences, congresses, or meetings opened to health professionals, in Italy or abroad – on topics related to the use of their own manufactured or marketed products – pharmaceutical companies need to apply for an authorisation to the competent AIFA unit, ate least sixty days before the date of beginning of the event, in compliance with the provisions of article 124 of Legislative Decree 219/06.

Based on the sum paid for the organisation of the event – either direct or indirect funding – the sponsor shall pay a fee to the AIFA and the Ministry of Health and associate a POL (payment on line) to each application of authorisation.

In case of training conferences and congresses only, pharmaceutical company shall submit the authorisation application through the so called ACC (Autorizzazione Convegni e Congressi – Conferences and Congresses Authorisation) information system.

The ACC contact person will be appointed by the Company Users Administrators and can access the function “inserimento” (upload) of the authorisation application directly in case of single-sponsorship event, while in case of multiple-sponsorship event, the upload of the procedure will be carried out by the organisational secretariat and the company can complete the missing data through the function “aggiornamento” (update).

Along with managing conferences congresses, and meetings, the organisation secretariat will also take contacts with the sponsors and make agreements on the form and amount of the sponsorship, in order to draft a single file (file unico) to be enclosed in the authorisation application.

Written by: Francesca Savina