+390677209020 | +39 0267380552 info@direnzo.biz | sedemilano@direnzo.biz


Consulenza Farmaceutica

Regulatory Advice

Di Renzo Regulatory Affairs was created as regulatory consulting company, and has gained a wide expertise in this sector over more than 35 years of activity.

Our regulatory department is formed by several professionals, and is divided into different units strictly cooperating with one another as well as with the other departments. Our staff is highly qualified, and includes doctors, pharmacists, chemists, biologists, pharmaceutical technicians, biomedical engineers, and many other.

The main services offered in the regulatory field concern the following areas of interest:

  • human medicines
  • veterinary medicines
  • medical devices and in vitro diagnostics
  • biocides and PMCs
  • food supplements and related products
  • cosmetics