+390677209020 | +39 0267380552 info@direnzo.biz | sedemilano@direnzo.biz


Pharmaceutical and scientific translations

All companies having international relations and in need of scientific translations, such as patient leaflets, summaries of product characteristics (SmPC), expertises, are forced, in many cases, to turn to external specialised agencies.

However, most of the times, such translation agencies have no staff with expertise in that specific sector. With no knowledge of the specific technical terminology, it is inevitable that translations are not perfectly matching the original text.

And it is therefore easy to understand what is the attention and appropriateness required in the translations for the sector of medicines and similar products. 

To avoid these frequent inconveniences, Di Renzo Regulatory Affairs has created a unit made of experts in the regulatory sector, graduated in chemistry, pharmaceutical technologies, and biotechnologies, as well as English, German and Spanish native speakers and other languages.