+390677209020 | +39 0267380552 info@direnzo.biz | sedemilano@direnzo.biz


Promozione, realizzazione grafica e altri servizi per PMC e biocidi

Consultancy for the advertising of PMC and Biocides

Italian legislation provides for that PMC advertising addressed to the public shall preliminarily be authorised by the Ministry of Health.

On the other hand, biocide advertising does not require any preliminary authorisation, but it should comply with the general norms on correct information to the public.

The main services offered in this field are:

  • packaging graphic design
  • evaluation of biocide advertising addressed to the public
  • preliminary evaluation of PMC advertising messages and advertising authorisation application to the Ministry of Health
  • preparation of label mock-ups, logos, creation and editing of brochures, folders and advertising materials
  • training courses on the Italian and European regulations on PMCs and biocides
  • notification into the Dangerous Preparations database of the High Health Institute (ISS)
  • registration of trademarks and patents for any kind of device or process, including for PMCs.