Phytovigilance and Surveillance natural substances
The growing use of herbal products in nutrition has led to the need of regulating this field.
Products containing plants can, in fact, present serious risks for health because of possible interactions with drugs and foods taken concomitantly as well as for their quality (e.g. for the presence of pesticide residues and other contaminants such as heavy metals, mycotoxins, dioxins, etc.), and finally for the potential consumers’ hypersensitivity.
Food Business Operators are bound to monitor the safety of products containing herbal ingredients, whose marketing they are responsible for, also based on the scientific progress.
FBOs are also bound to inform the Ministry of Health about any new data regarding adverse or unexpected events that can be related to the herbal ingredients contained in their products.
Di Renzo Regulatory Affairs has a special unit dedicated to the surveillance of food products containing herbal substances (phytosurveillance), and can therefore assist companies in post-marketing surveillance activities.
Thanks to its international cooperation with several consultants in the EU countries as well as extra-EU countries, Di Renzo Regulatory Affairs can perform this service not only in Italy, but also in the other Member States where the products are marketed.