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What and how to publish in the Italian Official Journal

The Official Journal of the Italian Republic is an essential tool in the pharmaceutical sphere: in fact, any authorisation, change, variation, cancellation...

Etichettatura Alimenti

Food labelling: what’s new in 2020

In the latest years, the consumers’ interest for the information reported in the labelling of food products grew so much that the...

Ce marking for glasses

Glasses are an object of daily use for several people. However, it is important to clarify that their regulatory classification...

The role of manufacturers in the devicevigilance

Medical devices (MDs) are a category including a wide range of products whose use by consumers in everyday life is...

QPPV, tasks and responsibilities

The role and responsibilities of the Pharmacovigilance Qualified Person (QPPV) are established by the Italian and European regulations, in particular Directive 2010/84/EU, EU...

ECHA launches new alert on illegal disinfectants

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launched an alert regarding the presence of disinfectants on the market not complying with the European regulations...

Medical devices, a new frontier for scientific translations

Scientific translations of materials regarding medical devices are the subject of increased activities worldwide: this is mainly due to the spreading of the...

Pharmaceutical translation, professionalism at the service of health protection

If, in general, accuracy in the translation of any text is in itself an essential requirement, in the field of pharmaceutical...

Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives, the role of the Italian Regions

The Italian Regions have an essential role in the protection of health, by controlling and monitoring any activities regarding health, and promoting appropriate...

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