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Online notification for special food and food supplements

The Ministry of health has reminded all concerned operators that since 2nd July the notification of the products classified as food for special groups, gluten-free products formulated for people suffering from celiac disease, food added with vitamins and minerals and food supplements shall be done through the electronic system “Alimenti Soggetti a Notifica” (Food subject to notification) only.

Through the online portal it will also be possible to submit applications of variation of products already notifies and request Free Sale Certificates

In this way, the Ministry of Health intends to make the process more intuitive thanks to automatization of several procedures and allows a better control of the notifications.

The process of submission of applications includes the online access through the enterprise portal.

All operational and access information are detailed in the relevant handbook and inside the system itself.

The access to the portal for the Italian companies can be done by the representative of a FBO registered in the registry of businesses or another person appropriately delegated that can operate on behalf of the delegating person.

To access the system, FBOs of the European Union and San Marino shall instead request username and password to the Ministry of Health.

The system will check the correctness of the FBO information included for the registration.

Di Renzo Regulatory Affairs can keep assisting the companies in the notification process in the Ministry of Health accessing the online system as sub-delegated subject on behalf of Italian companies or European FBOs.